.NET Development and Software Architecture

.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance development framework for building almost any kind of software system, from web applications and APIs to microservices and mobile apps.

These workshops will teach you the patterns and principles used in modern .NET application development - and since they’re all hands-on, you’ll learn by writing code, solving problems, and building real working systems.

Introduction to Distributed Systems with C# and .NET

A hands-on workshop with Dylan Beattie, covering HTTP, REST, GraphQL, gRPC, RabbitMQ, and SignalR: what they do, why you would use them, and how they all work with C# and .NET.

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Length: 2 days

Upcoming Dates

There are currently no public dates scheduled for this workshop. Get in touch if you'd like to run this course for your team, company or user group - or join the mailing list to find out when new public dates are announced.

Real World REST with C# and .NET

A hands-on workshop about building REST APIs using C# and .NET. Covers API design, HTTP methods and status codes, how to use hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS), and more.

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Length: 2 days

Upcoming Dates

There are currently no public dates scheduled for this workshop. Get in touch if you'd like to run this course for your team, company or user group - or join the mailing list to find out when new public dates are announced.